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REGULATORY UPDATE | MDCG 2024-10 on Clinical Evaluation of Orphan Medical Devices

June 27, 2024

The Medical Device Coordination Group has issued the MDCG 2024-10 guidance for clinical evaluation of Orphan Medical Devices (ODs). An OD is a device aimed to assist no more than 12.000 patients annually in the EU, providing new treatment, diagnostic, or preventive measures where alternatives are insufficient or non-existent.

The Medical Device Regulation (UE) 2017/745 (MDR) has raised the bar for clinical evidence, creating unique challenges for ODs. This new guidance is a beacon for manufacturers navigating the complex pre-market clinical investigations to ensure safety and performance.

Key Highlights of MDCG 2024-10:

  • PART A: Offers insights into the acceptability of pre-market clinical data limitations, clinical evaluation for new and existing devices, plus post-market data generation, including post-market surveillance (PMS) and post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF).
  • PART B: Provides procedural guidance for notified bodies and outlines the role of expert panels.


Appendices include:

  • OD-specific factors in clinical evaluation reports.
  • Considerations for clinical investigations of orphan devices.
  • Extrapolation of clinical data to orphan indications.


Developed in collaboration with stakeholders, this guidance ensures a balanced approach in applying MDR requirements to orphan devices.


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NOTICIA | Servicio preferente de FENIN

Fundada en 1977, La Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria nació con la misión de agrupar a las empresas españolas de este sector, coordinar y defender sus intereses generales y ostentar su representación ante las autoridades autonómicas, nacionales y europeas. Cuatro décadas trabajando por la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico, que permiten poner al alcance de todos tecnologías, productos y servicios que mejoran la prevención, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el control y seguimiento de las enfermedades. Fenin es una federación intersectorial que agrupa empresas fabricantes, empresas importadoras y distribuidoras de tecnologías y productos sanitarios cuya característica común es la de ser suministradoras de todas las instituciones sanitarias españolas.

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